Daniel Wells begins a new life as an assistant junior high school teacher in the rural Japanese village of Tonoharu. Isolated from those around him by cultural and language barriers, he leads a monastic existence, peppered only by his inept pursuit of the company of a fellow American who lives a couple towns over. But contrary to appearances, Dan isn't the only foreigner to call Tonoharu home. Across town, a group of wealthy European eccentrics board in a one-time Buddhist temple, for reasons that remain obscure to their gossiping neighbors.
The alien Formics twice attacked the human race. We barely won. Now, the international Fleet is drafting brilliant kids to train them to command our forces in the next war. And Sister Carlotta thinks she has found another one. From the teeming legions of unwanted children, she has plucked a promising candidate: Bean, the runt of the streets of Rotterdam - with a staggering brilliance as unexplainable as his mysterious origins, the secrets of which may undo every investment made in the child's future as an elite warrior. For now, those secrets will have to wait - there is only survival to manage: Survival on the streets...and survival in the Fleet's rigorous Battle School. But just as the prodigiously talented Bean's mentor, ender Wiggin, is shipped off to Command School, Bean is thrust into an existential crisis: the discovery of a long-lost brother and the return of his worst enemy, the sadistic street thug Achilles. Worse, it is a crisis engineered by the very leaders depending on his graduation to Command School! Sci-fi legend Orson Scott Card's classic novel is skillfully adapted by writer Mike Carey (X-Men: Legacy) and artist Sebastian Fiumara (Marvel illustrated: The Picture of Dorian Gray).
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